

This is what greeted us this morning and lingered well into the afternoon. SNOW. OCTOBER 10.

I am a fan of snow during the winter. Early dustings like this lead me to believe that it will be a good winter. So, in celebration, I'm giving something away. (oh - its also my 50th post). It's taken a while to get to this number - 50, so I'm celebrating that too!

So leave a comment, and let me know witch one of these craftymsp originals you would like to receive as a give away. Are you in need of some coasters? Maybe a coffee cozy ? (If you tell me your favorite color, I'll custom select). I'll pick a winner on Wednesday, October 14th!!

Good Luck! Happy Fall (winter?)!


  1. If I win, I want my coffee cozy to fit around a bottle of bud. I dont buy coffee. Your choise of colors. ca

  2. Okay, we want in on the contest - but enter Tim's name for the drawing - he's the lucky one who always wins stuff!! He might want PIE for his prize tho!! sms

  3. Coffee Cozy please - I plan to be able to drink coffee again someday!! you know what colors I like :)

  4. can I vote twice? I still want a Bud cozy

  5. I don't drink coffee but can make the coasters myself - your choice


  6. But wait, just imagine me sporting my Bud Cozy at "Earls" in Sebastian on a biker sunday. They will all want them in black leather, with a fringe. You will be a millionare! ca

  7. Because I already have a great set of crafty mps coasters, I will take a coffee cozy to complete my set, that's of course if I win. Your bro in law would be interested in the Bud Cozy...maybe its the hot new thing!!

  8. You are the craftiest person I know! I love dark pink and green. Coasters would be my item of choice. I'll buy them from you if I don't win.
