

I've been absent. I know.

I have a good reason.

I'm currently riding the baby train!!!

For 4 months I've been exhausted, tired (for those two are not the same), cranky, hormonal, and starving. So I've been focusing mostly on sleeping and eating. Not crafting. Which is a shame, because I have so many projects in mind for the little bugger.

In a little over two weeks we'll find out whether I should be making a pink quilt or blue (although there will be both colors in each of those options) and then I'm sure the crafty-ness will commence.
Plus - it's almost Christmas! And I'm sure I'll be making something for the occasion.

If you are still with me - thank you from the bottom of my bump. I'll get back to business soon.


  1. YAY!!!! This is fantastic news! I'm thrilled for you. Really, really, really enjoy this time.

  2. YAAAAAY!!! So excited for you!!! Congratulations!

  3. Oh yeah, we're still with you!! Have you got special cravings for Thanksgiving? Love from the SD grandparents. sms

  4. That is EXACTLY what I thought at the last "Quilt Club" meeting (you were very quiet and tightening your jacket thru the whole meeting). So happy for you--congrats!

  5. HOORAY!!!!!
    oh, i'm so happy for you!
    little people are worth all the tiredness and exhaustion. they really, really are. :)

  6. Congrats! I know when I was first preggers, I'd get sick knitting. Knitting made we want to vomit. :)

    HOpe all goes smoothly! :D

  7. clearly I'm behind on my blog reading...huge congrats!
